Watch "Solo Flow" created by Myles Trainer!
Our in-house media mastermind, Myles, has been quietly chipping away at this piece for the last few months, grabbing a clip or two every morning on his commute into the office. Self filming is extremely challenging, but the reward is a piece that most intimately showcases the creators style, on the bike and behind the lens. Watch Myles flow through the forest in more ways than one!

Words by Myles Trainer
This project was inspired by the process of learning and self expression. What started as the thought of going into the woods to capture a handful of moments while getting familiar with the camera, turned into a lot of early mornings for this final product.

Since running around the woods as a kid, I’ve always felt it has been a place that strips you down to your true self. It is a space I go to think deeply about things or not think at all. A place to learn about the natural environment surrounding us, but also learn about ourselves.
I’ve tried to ride to work more frequently, which happens to cross the expansive trail network of Mt. Galbraith here in Bellingham, WA. As a morning person, I cherish that quiet time before the chaos of the day to listen to the natural world and conceptualize what my day of work might look like. Often times I ride the same route giving me ample time to ride sections of trail in a way that I think showcases the way I like to ride a bike.
Thanks for taking a moment to check out this video!